The difference between engagement and marketing.

The difference between engagement and marketing.

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Engagement Versus Marketing.

The Digital Age.

We may love it. We may not.

Some of us absolutely love technology and use it in every day life, at home and at work. Meetings and interaction all online.

Some of us may prefer paper and pen, and in-person meetings.

There’s nothing wrong with either preference.

4 things we should ask ourselves:

  1. Am I limiting my business?
  2. Is my business successful right now or could I/we do with more income?
  3. If we like all things digital, are we limiting ourselves to the online market and forgetting to reach out to Tom in the local supermarket, who mentioned to our friend Pete that he was struggling, something our business could provide?
  4. If we like all things personal and local, are we limiting our business to the local town and villages, forgetting to engage with people online who are craving support in our niche market?

Once you know these answers, we can discuss engagement and marketing.


Usually, when we hear that expression ‘engagement’, it means someone’s put a ring on, someone’s having a meeting or all communication is being done online.

Engagement can be done in a variety of ways. We, as humans, are built for human connection and interaction.

Engagement acts as a catalyst – encouraging relationships, going from prospective clients to valued clients, valued clients to loyal valued clients, loyal valued clients to very own brand advocates.

The customer interacts using internet technologies, e-mail, communication apps, social media platforms.

Marketing – Why is it relevant?

Marketing is all about your brand’s story and we can help you tell it. We also have the roadmap to lead your audience from discovery to consideration to that “Aha!” moment that makes someone say “I need you! I need this!”

It’s not just about reaching an audience. It’s about resonating with them, creating content that isn’t just seen but is noticed, remembered and referred to!

Why Choose KODA UK?

We’re not your typical agency.

  • We’re your business sidekick in this digital journey (or minefield, whichever you feel is more accurate).
  • We want to help you create meaningful connections and deliver results in a helpful way.
  • We believe in forging connections with people, not just in conversions.

We have a creative team who can play with elements you appreciate as well as create something slick and approachable, attracting your audience. 

It’s a process.

  • We focus on what brings value to your business.
  • If  you appreciate value and personality, rather than generic and robotic, get in contact today.

Essentially, engagement and marketing are the power couple you never knew you needed to meet.
They set your brand apart. 


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